Court Reporters
Feedback: Do you need clarification or guidance on a procedure? Contact Lori Kennedy with your questions.
Employment: Often we have openings for both staff and freelance positions. Please submit your resume below.
We support our reporters! We provide the following tools & support services:
- Reporter orientation programs
- Reporter handbook
- Access to all department heads and staff for assistance and training
- In-house quality control
- IT support
- Scopists and proofreader referrals
- Standby reporters
- CE workshops and seminars
- Personal voicemail and e-mail
Employment: We are currently seeking students with skills in proofreading, scoping, or legal transcription for in-house staff opportunities. Please inquire.
Paid Internship Program: We offer a limited number of qualified students an exclusive internship program with an emphasis on apprenticeship training. E-mail us for more information.
Mentorship Program: Connects qualified students with volunteer CSRs to participate in a valuable observation training opportunity. Court and deposition hours are granted as well as professional on-the-job experience.
You can email us or call 1.800.231.2682 for more information.
Submit Your Resume
If you’re interested in what we do and have a desire to be part of our team, submit your resume here: